Collaborative Studies

According to Article 94 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 it is the European Reference Laboratories (EURLs) task to harmonise analytical methods, provide National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) with guidance on the analytical methods, as wells as to organise regular inter-laboratory comparative testing. A practical approach addressing all of these aspects is the method implementation via participation in an EURL organised collaborative trial. A collaborative trial is an interlaboratory study in which different laboratories follow the same protocol and method for the analysis of a set of identical or similar samples. The EURL regularly conducts such studies based on a factorial approach to method validation and invites all interested official control laboratories active in the field of veterinary drug residue analysis to participate. The programme for a collaborative study typically includes a method training, EURL assistance in method implementation and validation of the method according to an individual factorial validation plan. Upon completion of the study, every participant receives their individual validation report as well as the final report on the study including all of the robust method performance characteristics.

Nitroimidazoles in honey (planned for 2022)

Coccidiostats in egg (2020) – in progress

Beta-agonists in liver (2018)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in milk (2016) – Final report (FIS-VL)